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Hi there,


I'm Shannon and I am really grateful you are here. I help clients find their optimal wellness through developing a deeper understanding of their habits and lifestyle choices. As a certified Wellness Consultant, I aim to help you create awareness, alignment, action and accountability towards your personal development. I work with you to identify the problem areas, set goals to resolve the problems and create a path to gradually becoming better. It’s time to start nurturing your body and soul again.


My approach to coaching begins with the Four Circles of Wholeness - Biological (body), Psychological (mind), Social (connections), and Spiritual. All four circles work together while also overlapping one another. When one circle is out of balance, so are we. I’ve witnessed so many people eat clean, exercise, get good sleep, and literally do all the healthy things, and still not heal. It’s become crystal clear that our physical body is a direct reflection of what’s going on in our minds, brains, and nervous systems. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions create who we are, and this collective focus is what’s being communicated —wired and installed—into the nervous system all day long. We cannot separate the body from the mind when trying to heal, and there is decades of research and studies to prove it. BUT, there's hope. While I most certainly do not have all the answers, I have found some good ones, and it’s my life’s purpose to share them all with you!

What is a life coach?

Life coaching is a client centered partnership. Together we will work to create awareness, alignment, action and accountability towards your personal development. There is a true "strategy" involved in the coaching process and I will warn you, it is not easy! It will require a great deal of reflection, honesty and work. When you are ready for change, growth, development, and maximizing your potential, hire a coach.


I will partner with you to help you make meaningful change in your own life. While I most certainly do not have all the answers, I have found some good ones, and it’s my life’s purpose to share them all with you!

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